extensio et progressio / authentic e-learning

EPELA, "Extensio et Progressio authentic e-learning"
is a platform that brings authentic e learning opportunities to you. All e-learning courses and events are designed by content experts and learning professionals in collaboration with creative directors, cinematographers, illustrators, animators, and software developers.

EPELA e-learning offers unique opportunities to support a learning that even the best traditional face-to-face courses cannot match.
These include:

  • EPELA e-learning opportunities are designed to support a participant's engagement in authentic learning task. For authentic learning to occur, learners are engaged in a realistic task that provides opportunities for complex collaborative activities and encourages creation of enriched mental models of the constructs and procedures related to vaccine regulation, production, distribution, and storage.

  • EPELA e-learning offers and individualized learning in ways that traditional courses do not allow or only allow at higher costs. An intcomponent of the state-of-the-art e-learning is enriched with learning assesments which allow to personalize the learning with the needs of individual learners.

  • EPELA e-learning enhances collaborative learning and cooperative learning, which are now well recognized as the vital aspects of effective learning and professional development.

  • EPELA e-learning ensures a consistent delivery of the same learning opportunities to all participants, an important advantage in regulatory enviroments such as pharmaceuticals.

  • EPELA e-learning opportunities are designed to automate the processes involved in providing proof of completion of learning outcomes and award of certificates.


Pharmaceutical and Vaccine Quality Illustrated is now available for free download and online use

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EPELA authentic e- Pharmaceutical Cold Chain Management course receives 2015 Hermes Creative Award as Gold Winner in e-learning category

On 1 May 2015, Hermes Creative Awards announced… read more